Welcome to University

Welcome to Adam University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Adam University / Bishkek Financial and Economic Academy is a non-governmental higher education institution established on may 31, 1994 as an international center for training and retraining of financial and economic personnel. By the decision of the Board of the Ministry of education and science of the Kyrgyz REPUBLIC No. 12/12 of November 28, 1997, the international center for training and retraining of financial and economic personnel was certified as a higher educational institution with the status of an Academy, which became the full legal successor of the Center’s rights and duties. In 2016, the Academy was re-registered as a higher education institution of Adam University.

Adam University is a modern, stable and dynamically developing non-state University, an active participant in the national and global scientific and educational space, which trains highly qualified, competitive and innovation-oriented specialists.

The mission of ADAM University is to assist society in the sustainable development of social and economic institutions by training competent personnel and conducting research.


  • Trust and respect
  • Academic freedom and integrity
  • Quality, striving for excellence
  • Partnership
  • Innovativeness

Quality policy

Adam University’s quality policy is aimed at continuously improving the quality of services in educational and scientific activities based on feedback from internal and external stakeholders.

Policy is based on values, resources and partnerships of the University to organize student-centered learning, the formation of competitive skills, generating new knowledge, conducting applied research.

Educational program

At the University, educational activities are carried out by 4 programs (graduate departments): Management and tourism, Economics, Information systems and technologies, Medicine; 2 departments (auxiliary departments): Humanities and Fundamental disciplines.

Structural subdivision

There are also 10 other structural divisions that provide organizational, educational, methodological, scientific, educational, economic and financial activities of the University: Educational Department, Information Department, Library, center of excellence, Career Center, Student government, Department of external relations, Accounting, etc.

Scientific work is performed in the scientific and technical center of the University.

Faculty members

The qualification of the teaching staff is a key element of the quality of education. Currently, the teaching staff, including all structural divisions, consists of 42 people (full-time teachers), including part – time teachers-62 people: 3 full-time doctors of science and professors, 2 part-time doctors of science and professors.

Contingent of students

The total number of students studying at the University is one student, including:

  • Master’s degree – 29 students
  • Bachelor’s degree – 385 students
  • Specialist program – 76 students


The University has licenses for educational activities in the following areas of training:

  • Bachelor’s degree: Economics, Management, Tourism, International relations, business Management, Information systems and technologies
  • Master’s Degree: Economics, Management, Tourism
  • Specialist degree: General Medicine

Form of training

The University offers students correspondence courses in the following areas:

  • Economics
  • Management
  • Tourism


Adam University is one of the first Universities in Central Asia, which successfully passed the procedure of regional institutional social and professional accreditation in 2005 and received the CAMEQ gold quality mark.


Since 2005, Adam University has been a pilot University of the Ministry of education of the Kyrgyz Republic for implementing reforms in the higher education system, and the University has implemented projects aimed at:

  • Development of two cycle programs bachelor’s and master’s
  • Implementation of ECTS and the European diploma Supplement)
  • Implementation of a competence-based approach based on the TUNING methodology
  • Career center development
  • Development of academic mobility of students and teachers
  • Building internal quality assurance and accreditation systems of the University
  • Development of PhD programs
  • Development of e-learning
  • Creation of double-degree educational programs for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the direction of “Tourism”

Educational process

The educational process is organized on credit system in accordance with the STATE University CU and principles of the Bologna process and focuses on building an individual learning path of the student.

New information technologies are being actively involved into the educational process. The University has created the following conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment:

  • Electronic control system
  • Electronic learning platform from Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment
  • Electronic library
  • Electronic courses have been developed
  • The first open online courses in Kyrgyzstan have been developed
  • Joint courses on double degree programs are being developed with the Baltic International Academy (Latvia) and the Neofit-Rylski South-Western University (Bulgaria)
  • Webinars and open online lectures are regularly held with Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia), Perm State University (Russia), Baltic International Academy (Latvia), South-Eastern University of Terlemark (Norway) and South-Western University “Neofit-Rylski “(Bulgaria)
  • The Center of excellence is functioning

Library fund

The University has a sufficient information and library base. Currently, the library of the University has 24,492 printed units. The Fund has a wide range of educational, scientific, popular science literature on universal subjects, reference and bibliographic, periodicals in Kyrgyz, Russian and foreign languages.

Literature in the following areas:

  • Economics and management literature (10454 units)
  • Humanitarian literature (1965 ed.)
  • Tourism (1548 units)
  • Fundamental literature (1439 units)
  • Language literature (2090 units)
  • Kyrgyz language (1996 units)
  • Medicine (4200 units)

The University has access to the following domestic and foreign information databases:


Adam University is one of the first universities to sign the Magna Carta of Universities. Today, the University is a member of the Bologna Club, CADO, the world Federation for Medical Education (WFME), KATO, the Association of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc.

The University’s educational programs are developed in close cooperation with leading European universities.

Currently, Adam University is a member of the Kyrgyz Association of Distance Education (since 2013 it is the founder), the Association of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic (since 2015 it is a member of the Association), the Kyrgyz Association of tour operators (since 2010 it is a member of the Association).

The University has extensive partnerships with government agencies, employers, public organizations, as well as with universities in Europe and Asia (including: great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.).

Career center

In Order to promote career development and employment of students and graduates through the expansion of partnership with the business environment, the University provides assistance to a structural division – the Career Center.

Since 2018, the system of “minor” courses and additional modules with the issuance of certificates for the development of additional skills of students is being developed and tested.

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