Volleyball Sports Tournament 2023

Attention Dear Students!
As the spring is coming, so its the time to have outdoor sports.
Therefore, on April 21, 2023 the “Volleyball Player’s Day” competition is being held at Adam University!
Venue: Adam University Site
Time of the event: 12.00
Equipment: volleyball balls, whistle, stopwatch, volleyball court.
Participants of the holiday: students of 1-5 courses, teachers of Adam University (women’s and men’s teams of 6 people).
Dress code: White T-shirt, sweatpants
Judging panel: 3 people

The following competitions will be held during this event:

  1. The “Submission” contest;
  2. Competition “Volleyball plus gymnastics”;
  3. The Ball Passing Contest;
  4. The Sniper Contest;
  5. Competition “Volleyball juggling”;
  6. Contest “Two-way game in pairs”;

Quiz Questions:

  1. What are the dimensions of the volleyball court and how many times you can make a substitution in the game. (28×9. The number of reverse substitutions is unlimited.
  2. The year and place of birth of volleyball. (1895 USA)
    Interested students please contact with
    Nimra majeed @⁨+92 322 7332121⁩
    Usama jamal @⁨Usama Jamal⁩

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